Cambridge brand consultant services

  • 1. Brand Diagnosis
  • 2. Brand Strategy
  • 3. Brand Tactics

Without a brand, you’re simply competing on price or convenience.

There are many reasons why businesses in Cambridge should invest in brand management. Ultimately though, whether your business is in pharmaceuticals, science, technology or engineering, brands have the power to change the way people think, feel and act if managed professionally.

Marketing Lab’s brand management approach has 3 sequential phases, which are of equal importance for effective brand management planning. We can work on just one element, or across the full spectrum of brand strategy process, crafting beautifully effective brand plans to address problems or capitalise on opportunities within these areas:

  • Specifically, which segment(s) are you targeting and why?
  • What proportion of your target segment(s) know your brand exists?
  • What is your brand or product positioning to each target segment(s)?
  • Strategically, what are you trying to achieve through your marketing investment?
  • Creatively, how will your target audiences recognise your communications as you?

Want to change the way people think, feel or act towards your brand?

Free brand strategy consultancy

Benefits from brand management services

  • De-risk marketing investment
  • Generate greater category salience
  • Accelerate perceived value
  • Cultivate customer loyalty
  • Build brand equity
  • Increase intangible asset value
  • Build a strong employer brand
  • Enable premium pricing
  • Provide meaningful differentiation
  • Creative familiarity and distinction
  • A springboard for diversification

Brand consultancy services for Cambridge businesses

Investing in professional brand management consulting can yield huge benefits for a business. Below are some of the services Marketing Lab can deliver within our brand management process, whether your business is in fintech, pharma, food, manufacturing, agriculture, science, retail or technology.

Brand discovery workshop

Brand health check audit

Creation of 2-speed brand plans

Qualitative brand research

Quantitative brand research

Competitor brand analysis

Brand tracking surveys

Creation of purchase funnels

Brand architecture planning

Segmentation and targeting

Brand and product positioning

Setting strategic objectives

Brand revitalisation

Brand repositioning

Design codes palette

Annual budgeting

Team mentoring and recruitment

Products are made in a factory, brands are created in the mind.

Brand management requires a framework to be effective, which should start with a brand strategy workshop. These workshops are interactive and tailored to your business. The workshop exercises are strategic and will help get to grips with diagnosing your brand, the problems and opportunities around associations, segmentation and targeting, positioning and setting strategic objectives. We will also identify knowledge gaps that will need to be filled if we are to release your brands full potential.

Carl is engaging, passionate and articulate, with a deep understanding of brands and marketing strategy I’ve not experienced before. Look forward to another opportunity in the future to engage.

Professional services B2B

As a business we’ve always found it difficult to tell our brand story but Carl’s audit helped us untangle a complex brand challenge. We now have clear brand positioning roadmap that will accelerate our competitive edge.

FinTech B2B

Work smarter, grow faster.

By integrating a little science into their marketing, here are a few examples of client success stories.


Growth in aided awareness in 18-months


Growth in preference to purchase in 18-months


Growth in sales revenue from a £46k investment


Lead generation from a £74k investment


Growth in market share in 18-months

Start working smarter to grow faster.

Get in touch

Some brands I’ve been privileged to make a difference for.

Stop wasting your marketing budget. Start your FREE 30 minute consultation today.